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The Benefits of Using Himalayan Pink Salt: The Healthiest Salt on Earth!

This is by far the purest salt available on earth and is absolutely uncontaminated with any toxins or pollutants.
Himalayan pink salt is packed with over 84 trace minerals and elements that make it incredibly nourishing for your body, including potassium, iron and calcium. All of these minerals aid our body’s natural detoxification process and promote the removal of bacteria.
Pink salt has numerous benefits from boosting energy to improving digestion to promoting healthy hair, skin, and nails.

Pink salt has numerous benefits from boosting energy to improving digestion to promoting healthy hair, skin, and nails.
Some of the benefits of using Himalayan Salt regularly include:
- It Improves respiratory diseases.
- Balances your body’s pH.
- Reduces signs of aging.
- Improves sleep quality.
- Regulates blood sugar.
- Increases libido.
- It contains less sodium than processed table salt and lowers blood pressure.
- Contrary to what people believe, Himalayan salt can help hydration.
- It improves digestion
Table salt is highly processed and contains fewer minerals and more sodium than Himalayan salt does. When you swap table salt for Himalayan salt, your body has an easier time processing it because it doesn’t require as much water to clear out the excess sodium as it would have if you had consumed table salt.To boot, Himalayan salt is naturally rich in iodine, which food companies add artificially to table salt after processing it. The natural iodine in Himalayan salt is very effective at helping your body create an electrolyte balance, helping your intestines absorb nutrients and lowering blood pressure.

When you swap table salt for Himalayan salt, your body has an easier time processing it because it doesn’t require as much water to clear out the excess sodium as it would have if you had consumed table salt.
A recipe for a great night’s sleep:
Do you tend to wake up at 3 a.m.? There’s a reason why this is one of the most common times of night for people to wake up and struggle with sleep, and it has to do with your salt intake.
Between 2 a.m. and 4 a.m. biochemical reactions that occur due to a high level of stress hormones that flush through our system cause sleep disturbances and interrupt our ability to stay asleep. Studies show that low-sodium diets cause blood volume to decrease in the sympathetic nervous system, which in turn, activates adrenaline and the “fight or flight” response.
For a great night’s sleep, mix some raw honey with a pinch of Himalayan salt and eat it or put it in a cup of tea.
To exfoliate dry, winter skin:
Combine Himalayan salt with coconut / olive oil to exfoliate dry, winter skin. Mix the salt crystals with olive oil or coconut oil and use with a warm washcloth or in a warm bath for smoother, softer skin.

Himalayan salt isn’t just for eating. Holistic medical practitioners tout Himalayan salt lamps for their ability to purify indoor air, reduce allergies and improve your overall well-being.
Pink Himalayan salt lamps purify our air.
Himalayan salt isn’t just for eating. Holistic medical practitioners tout Himalayan salt lamps for their ability to purify indoor air, reduce allergies and improve your overall well-being.
Salt is naturally hygroscopic, which means that it attracts water to its surface. The light from the Himalayan lamp causes the water absorbed by it to evaporate quickly. So although there are few studies on Himalayan salt lamps, it makes sense that they would help with mold reduction and allergies.
An easy way to improve our mood and well-being:
In addition to purifying the air, the glow Himalayan salt lamps produce is a great antithesis to all of the devices we tend to look at just before we go to sleep.
A growing body of research shows that exposing ourselves to “blue light,” the kind that radiates from our phones, computers and tablets, as we are trying to wind down winds us up. Alternatively, Himalayan salt lamps naturally produce a soft, warm glow that is similar to what a candle or campfire would produce. It’s a perfect nightlight for your or your kids’ rooms.
Additionally, Himalayan salt lamps produce a small amount of negative ions – odorless, tasteless molecules that we find in abundance in natural environments, such as the mountains and beaches. Some studies suggest that these ions can boost serotonin and alleviate symptoms of depression.
Soothe sore muscles with a Himalayan salt bath:
Salt and mineral baths are a great way to relieve sore or cramped muscles. Mineral baths make it easy for our bodies to absorb the magnesium and other trace minerals in the salt, which can fortify bones and connective tissue that may be contributing to soreness.

Our Organic Himalayan Salt comes in 250 gr., 500 gr. and 1 kg. packets.
Our ORGANIC HIMALAYAN SALT comes in 250 gr., 500 gr. and 1 kg. packets.
For more information on the health benefits of Himalayan salt consumption, go to:
This content is strictly the opinion of its author and is meant for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended to provide medical advice or to take the place of medical advice , diagnosis or treatment from a personal physician.
Readers of this content are advised to consult their doctors or qualified health professionals regarding specific health questions. Neither the author nor publisher of this content takes responsibility for possible health consequences of any person or persons reading or following the information in this educational content.
All readers of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before beginning any nutrition or supplement or lifestyle programme.