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The Surprising Health Benefits of Drinking Coffee, organically grown, From its Birthplace : Ethiopia.

If you cannot imagine yourself starting the day without at least one cup of coffee you are not alone. Coffee is the pick-me-up of choice for 59 per cent of Americans, who can’t get through their day without their ritualistic morning dose.
Beyond the obvious immediate stimulation that it produces, the brew seems to have an array of health benefits that only recently science has been able to confirm, many of which have been attributed to caffeine. Caffeine, the most widely consumed psychoactive substance in the world, is the best known ingredient of coffee. But coffee as a whole is a complex beverage with a thousand different substances other than caffeine. Some studies suggest that it’s not the caffeine contents that are responsible for most of coffee’s health benefits.
For centuries, coffee has been both praised and despised. In olden days it was blamed as the cause of impotence and madness, and alternatively, in other times a cure for laziness or a “gift from heaven”. Coffee drinking had a bad press, particularly with doctors, who warned people about the increased risk of heart disease, stunt growth, damage to the digestive tract, leading to stomach ulcers and heartburn, insomnia, and addiction to caffeine. This stand of the medical establishment stemmed from studies conducted many decades ago, that compared coffee drinkers to non-drinkers on a number of health measures, including heart problems and mortality. Coffee drinkers, it seemed, were always worse off.
Later on a review of those studies revealed that they didn’t always control for many other lifestyle factors which would certainly account for poor health, such as smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, lack of physical activity or poor nutrition. Coffee was not really to be blamed for heart problems or higher mortality, when coffee drinkers also happened to have several other clearly unhealthy habits.
More recent scientific research has led to a thorough rehabilitation of coffee’s reputation, as it shows that the benefits of consuming coffee far outweigh its drawbacks. One of he key factor, as with almost everything else, is moderation in its consumption.

Research has shown that heart attack patients who drink two cups of coffee a day can significantly decrease the risk of dying from that heart attack.
Coffees from all over Africa have made it to every corner of the world. They are widely enjoyed all over as some of the richest & most flavourful coffees in the world. Among them, Ethiopian coffee stands out as one of the finest. The flavour of pure, Ethiopian coffee is inimitable, sensitive and delicate.
Ethiopian Coffee was first harvested around 800BC, so Ethiopia is rightly considered the birthplace of coffee. From the three coffee-growing regions: Sidamo, Harer, and Kaffa, Ethiopian Coffee is known to be full bodied, flowery & fruity.
In addition to its pleasant flavour, recent scientific research has confirmed an array of health benefits brought about by regular consumption of good, organic, coffee. Some of them are:
1.Reduced risk of developing Diabetes 2
Researchers from Harvard University conducted meta-analysis of 28 studies involving over 1 million participants. They found that people who drank just one cup of coffee a day were 8 percent less likely to develop diabetes than those who never had it. More interestingly, the protection increased when people chugged 6 cups a day of the brew: the risk of diabetes was cut by 33 percent.
The Archives of Internal Medicine found that people who consumed 6 or more cups per day had a 22% lower risk of type 2 diabetes. In one 20-year study, individuals with diabetes who drank coffee had a 30% lower risk of death
The researchers believe that this is due to the presence of caffeine and of a polyphenol called
chlorogenic acid, which coffee contains in high amounts. Chlorogenic acid has been shown to reduce blood sugar concentrations and their absorption in the intestines. Caffeine decreases your insulin sensitivity and impairs glucose tolerance, therefore reduces your risk of type 2 diabetes.

The Archives of Internal Medicine found that people who consumed 6 or more cups per day had a 22% lower risk of type 2 diabetes. In one 20-year study, individuals with diabetes who drank coffee had a 30% lower risk of death
2.Reduced risk of car accidents
Research in the Netherlands found that people who consumed one cup of caffeinated coffee in the middle of a 4-hour-long driving swerved less, maintained their speed better, and drove generally more responsibly than those who drank decaf instead. Drowsy driving is a major cause of many road accidents, so it is not a bad idea to guzzle a cup of the worldwide favourite brew before we get behind the wheel, especially for a long haul.3.It provides essential antioxidants and contains essential nutrients
Many of the nutrients in coffee beans make their way into the finished brewed coffee.
A single cup of coffee contains
- Riboflavin (vitamin B2): 11% of the Reference Daily Intake (RDI).
- Pantothenic acid (vitamin B5): 6% of the RDI.
- Manganese and potassium: 3% of the RDI.
- Magnesium and niacin (vitamin B3): 2% of the RDI
A typical serving of coffee contains more antioxidants than typical servings of blueberries, raspberries or oranges. Antioxidants act as warriors fighting and protecting against free radicals within your body.
Antioxidants in coffee lessen inflammation, reducing the risk of disorders related to inflammation and cardiovascular disease. While they are found in numerous foods, coffee remains one of the most widely consumed sources of anti-inflammatory antioxidants.
4. It improves brain function , productivity and mood
Coffee helps you focus and stay alert. Indeed, moderate caffeine intake, 1-6 cups a day, improves your mental alertness and brightens your mood.
5.It Reduces Risk of Heart Attack Mortality
Research has shown that heart attack patients who drink two cups of coffee a day can significantly decrease the risk of dying from that heart attack.

6. It Protects Against Melanoma
The National Cancer Institute published a study that melanoma risk decreases with each cup of coffee consumed.
7. It Soothes Sore Muscles
The Journal of Pain published a study that shows that two cups of coffee can reduce post-workout muscle pain up to 48%.
8.It Lowers Risk of MS
The Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery & Psychiatry published research concluding that coffee prevents inflammation that could lead to the development of Multiple Sclerosis.
According to a study recently presented at the American Academy of Neurology meeting, coffee may reduce your risk of developing multiple sclerosis, a disabling neurological disease that hits most often between the ages of 20 and 40.
People who took 4 or more cups of the brew per day were 33 percent less likely to get the disease over the next year than those who didn’t drink any.
This may be due to caffeine’s neuroprotective properties, which may be able to halt the production of inflammatory proteins behind the disease’s development.
9. It Prevents Eye Damage
A Cornell University Study shows coffee could prevent retinal damage caused by oxidative stress. Chlorogenic acid (CLA), which is one of the strong antioxidants found in the coffee bean benefits the retina.
10. It Protects Your Liver
The Hepatology Journal published a study that showed coffee lowered the drinker’s enzyme levels.
11.Lowers Your Risk of Alzheimer’s disease
Coffee protects your brain.There is evidence from several studies in the European Journal of Neurology that caffeine could protect against Alzheimer’s disease. High caffeine levels in your blood reduce the risk of Alzheimer disease. It also lowers risk of dementia.
12. It decreases Your Risk of Developing Kidney Stones
In a study at Harvard, people who drank one of more servings of coffee a day were 26 percent less likely to develop kidney stones than those who consumed it less than once a week.
Because of its caffeine content, coffee increases urination, which flushes your body of the excess calcium and sodium that can contribute to kidney stone formation, the researchers say.

Purple tea contains 51% antioxidants and Green tea contains only 34.3% antioxidants
6. It Protects Against Melanoma
The National Cancer Institute published a study that melanoma risk decreases with each cup of coffee consumed.
7. It Soothes Sore Muscles
The Journal of Pain published a study that shows that two cups of coffee can reduce post-workout muscle pain up to 48%.
8.It Lowers Risk of MS
The Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery & Psychiatry published research concluding that coffee prevents inflammation that could lead to the development of Multiple Sclerosis.
According to a study recently presented at the American Academy of Neurology meeting, coffee may reduce your risk of developing multiple sclerosis, a disabling neurological disease that hits most often between the ages of 20 and 40.
People who took 4 or more cups of the brew per day were 33 percent less likely to get the disease over the next year than those who didn’t drink any.
This may be due to caffeine’s neuroprotective properties, which may be able to halt the production of inflammatory proteins behind the disease’s development.
9. It Prevents Eye Damage
A Cornell University Study shows coffee could prevent retinal damage caused by oxidative stress. Chlorogenic acid (CLA), which is one of the strong antioxidants found in the coffee bean benefits the retina.
10. It Protects Your Liver
The Hepatology Journal published a study that showed coffee lowered the drinker’s enzyme levels.
11.Lowers Your Risk of Alzheimer’s disease
Coffee protects your brain.There is evidence from several studies in the European Journal of Neurology that caffeine could protect against Alzheimer’s disease. High caffeine levels in your blood reduce the risk of Alzheimer disease. It also lowers risk of dementia.
12. It decreases Your Risk of Developing Kidney Stones
In a study at Harvard, people who drank one of more servings of coffee a day were 26 percent less likely to develop kidney stones than those who consumed it less than once a week.
Because of its caffeine content, coffee increases urination, which flushes your body of the excess calcium and sodium that can contribute to kidney stone formation, the researchers say.

In a study at Harvard, people who drank one of more servings of coffee a day were 26 percent less likely to develop kidney stones than those who consumed it less than once a week.
13. It Improves Memory
People who consumed 200 milligrams of caffeine—slightly more than what’s in a Starbucks 8-oz blonde roast—after viewing certain images were better able to recall them 24 hours later than participants who didn’t have caffeine.
Caffeine blocks the neurotransmitter adenosine, so it can’t inhibit another neurotransmitter called norepinephrine, which plays a crucial role in helping you retrieve a memory, the researchers say.
14. It Boost Your Physical Performance
Men who sipped a cup of Joe an hour before cycling completed their workouts about 5 percent faster than those who drank a control beverage.
So, have a cup of black coffee about an hour before workout and your performance can improve by 11-12%. Caffeine increases adrenaline levels in your blood. Adrenaline is your body’s “fight or flight” hormone which helps you to prepare for physical exertion.
The researchers believe the increase in performance is because caffeine prevents the compound adenosine in your body from binding to its receptors—which makes you feel higher levels of alertness and lower levels of exertion
15.It helps you burn fat and lose weight.
Coffee contains magnesium and potassium, which helps the human body use insulin, regulating blood sugar levels and reducing your craving for sugary treats and snacks. Furthermore, caffeine helps fat cells break down body fat and use it as fuel for training.
16.It Helps Fight Depression and Lowers Risk of Suicide
Coffee might just be a liquid happy pill: A Finnish study found that men who drank the most coffee per day—about 27 ounces or more—were 77 percent less likely to develop depression than those who drank none.
A group of researchers from Harvard also discovered that people who had 2 to 3 cups a day of the beverage were 55 percent less likely to commit suicide than non-drinkers.
This might be because caffeine can act as a mild antidepressant by enhancing the transmission of mood-regulating dopamine, the researchers believe.
Caffeine stimulates the central nervous system and boosts production of neurotransmitters like serotonin, dopamine, and noradrenaline, which elevate your mood.

17. Coffee lowers risk of death
Coffee may even help you live longer. A recent study involving more than 208,000 men and women found that people who drank coffee regularly were less likely to die prematurely than those who didn’t drink coffee. Researchers believe that some of the chemicals in coffee may help reduce inflammation, which has been found to play a role in a number of aging-related health problems, including dementia and Alzheimer’s. Some evidence also suggests that coffee may slow down some of the metabolic processes that drive aging
Studies have shown that coffee drinker’s overall risk of premature death is 25% lower than of those who don’t drink coffee.
18. It reduces risk of cancers
One study has shown that coffee may decrease the risk of developing prostate cancer in men by 20 %, and endometrial cancer in women by 25 %. People in the test group drank four cups of coffee a day. Caffeine may also prevent developing of basal cell carcinoma, the most common type of skin cancer.
Some studies have found a lower risk of liver cancer among coffee drinkers. This may be explained by its high levels of antioxidants ,which fight cancer-causing oxidative damage.
19. It reduces risk of stroke and protects your heart
People who drank one cup of coffee a day were 20 percent less likely to suffer a stroke than those who didn’t drink any, a study from Japan found. Once-a-day drinkers also cut their risk of heart disease by 16 percent.
The researchers aren’t sure how coffee may be so protective, but they point out that the beverage contains several biologically active compounds, such as caffeine, which have previously been linked to lower cholesterol and blood pressure levels.
Reasonable consumption of coffee (2–4 cups a day) is associated with lower risk of stroke and heart attack. Heart experts say the benefits may come from coffee’s effect on the blood vessels; by keeping vessels flexible and healthy, it may reduce the risk of atherosclerosis, which can cause heart attacks.
20. Coffee reduces risk of Parkinson’s disease
Studies have shown that regular coffee drinking decreases risk of Parkinson’s disease by 25 %. There’s evidence that coffee causes activity in the part of the brain affected by Parkinson’s.
21. It prevents gout
Most scientific research studies suggest that coffee plays a role in lowering risk of gout.It may lower uric acid levels by increasing the rate at which uric acid is excreted .It is also thought to compete with the enzyme that breaks down purines in the body.This in turn lowers the rate at which uric acid is created.
In a recent Japanese study scientists found that those who drank on average five cups per day had the lowest levels of uric acid among the participants.
22. Coffee enhances Sexual Performance in Men
Men who drink two to three cups of coffee per day may have an easier time getting and maintaining an erection. This may be due to caffeine relaxing the arteries and smooth muscle in the penis, allowing more blood flow and improving erectile function.
Furthermore, coffee is rich in erection-friendly polyphenols, and can possibly pump up testosterone concentrations, enhancing blood flow to the penis.

Reasonable consumption of coffee (2–4 cups a day) is associated with lower risk of stroke and heart attack.
23. It Reduces Your Risk of Liver Cancer
Over the past decade, rates of liver cancer have risen by an average of 4 percent each year. Coffee might help reverse course: In a new study from the University of Hawaii Cancer Center, people who drank 2 or 3 cups of coffee a day were 38 percent less likely to develop liver cancer over an 18-year follow up than those who stayed java-free.
The researchers aren’t exactly sure why coffee may be so protective, but they believe it may be due to compounds inside the drink that lower liver enzymes and slow progression of liver disease.
24.Reduced Risk of Melanoma
Researchers from the National Cancer Institute found that people who drank 4 or more cups of coffee a day were 20 percent less likely to develop melanoma, the deadliest form of skin cancer, over a nearly 11-year follow up, than those who drank none.
Researchers believe that the chlorogenic acid in coffee can hamper the expression of an enzyme called COX-2, which occurs as result of exposure to UV rays. And this may help suppress the development of melanoma,
25.It May Protect Your Teeth
Coffee drinking may dull your teeth , turning them yellowish , it might also protect them.
Researchers from Boston University found that people who drank one or more cups of coffee each day had fewer teeth with bone loss—the hallmark of periodontal disease, which can cause teeth to fall out—than those who drank less.
The antioxidants in coffee may be responsible for this phenomenon. They may suppress your body’s own inflammatory process that would otherwise harm your gums and jawbone, says study author Raul Garcia, D.M.D.
26. Your DNA will be stronger
Dark roast coffee decreases breakage in DNA strands, which occur naturally but can lead to cancer or tumours if not repaired by your cells.

As with many other things, we can have too much of a good thing. Excessive intake of caffeinated coffee can make you jittery and cause:
- Increased heart rate
- Raised blood pressure
- Anxiety
- Trouble falling asleep
The following are some warnings to take into account:
- High cholesterol, pregnancy, children
If you have high cholesterol or you are caffeine sensitive, pregnant or a child (or a parent of one), you should pay attention to coffee drinking. Coffee beans contain cafestol and kahweol, two ingredients that appear to raise LDL cholesterol levels. Filtering the coffee traps most of the LDL, but cafestol and kahweol are found in espresso, turkish coffee, french press and scandinavian style “cooked coffee”.
The intake of LDL from a cup of espresso is still so small, that for people with normal cholesterol levels, won’t be at risk. Paradoxically, there are also some studies at preliminary stages of diagnosis that have found marks that cafestol and kahweol may have some beneficial anti-cancer effects, and be good for your liver.
Don’t drink more than one cup a day if you’re pregnant. Studies on coffee’s effect on a fetus have been controversial, but one thing is sure: if you drink coffee when pregnant, caffeine will also reach the fetus, and your baby is highly sensitive to caffeine. So, if you’re a heavyweight coffee drinker and can’t stop drinking it while pregnant, at least reduce your coffee intake to one cup a day.
One survey reported that caffeine consumption of 5-7 year old kids may increase enuresis a.k.a. bedwetting.
- Coffee can cause insomnia and restlessness.
Your recommended maximum amount of caffeine is 400 milligrams, roughly the amount that you’ll get from 4 cups of coffee. If you’re caffeine-sensitive, be careful with coffee, and abstain from drinking it later than 5 p.m. , as it may interfere with a restful sleep.
- Quality
The other important factor is quality. Not all coffee out there is born equal. Poor quality coffee, heavily sprayed with chemicals, containing impurities, can produce headaches or cause other forms of sickness. This can happen if your coffee is made from beans that have been over ripped or otherwise ruined. Even one ruined bean can make your cup toxic.
How much coffee can we drink safely?
The USDA’s dietary guidelines has been recommending coffee for better health since 2015: They state that people who have 3 to 5 cups of coffee a day improve their overall health and reduce the risk of disease. However, it’s also true that adding sugar, cream, or flavoured syrups or creamers quickly negates the potential benefit of coffee.
As long as you drink toxin free, organic, good quality , brew it with care, and drink it in moderation, coffee can and should be enjoyed guilt-free.

Quick & Healthy Coffee Recipe
Iced Pumpkin Spice “Latte” Smoothie
Blend all ingredients to create a seasonally inspired drink. Using real pumpkin adds beneficial fiber.
- 1 cup of percolated organic Ethiopian coffee
- ½ cup milk of your choice (such as unsweetened vanilla flavored almond milk, skim or 1% milk)
- 2 teaspoons pumpkin pie spice (or ½ teaspoon each ground cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger and allspice)
- 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
- ½ cup canned plain pumpkin
- 4 ice cubes
Try to limit added sugar as much as you can! If you MUST add sweetener, try pure Stevia in a small quantity- start with 1/2 teaspoon; or raw honey.
Our ABYSSINIA ETHIOPIAN COFFEE is organically grown, and consists of ground selected Arabiga coffee grains, free from any additives.
This content is strictly the opinion of its author and is meant for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended to provide medical advice or to take the place of medical advice , diagnosis or treatment from a personal physician.
Readers of this content are advised to consult their doctors or qualified health professionals regarding specific health questions. Neither the author nor publisher of this content takes responsibility for possible health consequences of any person or persons reading or following the information in this educational content.
All readers of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before beginning any nutrition or supplement or lifestyle programme.